Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome! Lets get right to the point....

Ok, so I, like so many others, have struggled with losing weight and sticking to a routine. I enjoy food and snacks and soda and candy and....ok sorry, I enjoy all that stuff a tad too much. Tad meaning A LOT! I made this blog because I needed an outlet for my insecurities, struggles, workouts,  recipes, and support from others. I feel like I have a thousand and one factors that should motivate me to lose weight and get healthy, yet no self discipline to get up off this oh so comfy couch! My hope is that with having a blog, I will feel almost required to do some sort of daily activity so I can post it and keep up with the journey here.

I had a little experience yesterday that I think finally hit enough of a nerve for me to get the ball rolling. After a little traffic confusion and an asshole of a driver, I ended up at a red light beside the asshole driver. A little arguing back and forth, rolling windows up and then back down, and some less than friendly words later, the light turns green, and he yells "yada yada yada, YOU FAT BITCH!" And drives off. I tried to roll it off and get back in the awesome mood I was in beforehand but after a few hours I was completely obsessing over what this prick said.

It's not that I really cared what this dude thought of me. I truly could care less about him. It was moreso the fact that this wasn't the first time I've had that obscenity thrown at me. Recently, that term has come out more often. And while the type of person who says that to someone clearly isn't someone worth my time and energy, the words are still very hurtful. Why is someones weight the go-to insult during an altercation? I guess hearing it yesterday was the last straw.

You see, I used to be skinny. I used to be tiny, tan, healthy, and happy. A few changes in my life led to a pretty big weight gain, and ever since Ive been extremely unhappy with my body. This insecurity and lack of confidence affects so many aspects of my life. I want to be back in a body where when I encounter another asshole who wants to throw insults, my weight isn't a target because there's nothing to insult! I want to be back in a body where I don't get out of breath playing with my dogs in the yard, or chasing my husband around the house with a spray bottle of ice water. I want to be back in a body where I don't cancel plans with friends because I've changed outfits 13 times because I don't feel pretty in anything because of my weight. I want to be in a body where my husband can pick me up and swirl me around like he used to be able to. I want to be healthy and I want to adopt the right habits now, so when we have kids, I will be a strong fit woman whom my kids can emulate.

This is me now. As of this morning, my current weight is 195.4 pounds, and today is the last day I ever plan on seeing that number. My overall target weight is 130 pounds. I appreciate you taking the time to read this little prologue, and I truly appreciate anyone who wishes to follow this blog and support me in this. It's time to lose weight, get fit, and love life again:-)


  1. I have so much respect for you for doing this an so excited for you to start this new lifestyle!

  2. Hey Meg, I think that this is a great way to kick off your new goals. Personally I am at around 235 now (YIKES I know right I've got another 100 lbs to go till my target weight!)... After all my hard work before I gained it all back... I think that is is a really wonderful way to document your progress and love the Jar idea! (Ill be heading to Michaels first thing in the mornign.) Can't wait to see how all of this turns out for you--- a couple tips

    1- drink 8 oz of water within 30m of waking up
    2- eat something healthy within the first 30m of waking up

    My doc says this will help to boost your digestive system and your metabolism!
    I started this morning.

    Good Luck!

  3. So proud of you. Hope I can follow your lead. I have enjoyed many wonderful family meals, great fast food with friends, and most of all, those delicious snacks in front of my favorite TV programs this equaled a very voluptuous body. Maybe we can all do this together an get a little healthier.

    Words are hurtful, but you are a strong woman and you can do anything you set your mine to. I only know this because I'm your Nana.
