Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Busy busy girl

Hey everybody! Ok so I missed yesterday bc I was insanely busy. I got my entire front porch area finished finally and that took all day and then I had work last night. I didn't get a workout in yesterday but I was sweating like crazy while I was in the yard and doin lots of lifting and arm movement so im sure I burned at least a few calories! Today ive been running errands all around and had a super awesome neighbor come cut my grass while I played with her baby. Ive gotta do some cleaning still before bed and im gonna try to at least get some pushups snd crunches in. Hopefully ill get back on track with the actual workouts in a few days when I dont have so much to do. My husband comes home from alabama on Thursday so im tryin to get things all nice for him♥ ive also got a little medical procedure comin up this weekend so I might not post for 2 to 3 days...just a heads up! Anyways hope everyone has a good night!

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