Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Busy busy girl

Hey everybody! Ok so I missed yesterday bc I was insanely busy. I got my entire front porch area finished finally and that took all day and then I had work last night. I didn't get a workout in yesterday but I was sweating like crazy while I was in the yard and doin lots of lifting and arm movement so im sure I burned at least a few calories! Today ive been running errands all around and had a super awesome neighbor come cut my grass while I played with her baby. Ive gotta do some cleaning still before bed and im gonna try to at least get some pushups snd crunches in. Hopefully ill get back on track with the actual workouts in a few days when I dont have so much to do. My husband comes home from alabama on Thursday so im tryin to get things all nice for him♥ ive also got a little medical procedure comin up this weekend so I might not post for 2 to 3 days...just a heads up! Anyways hope everyone has a good night!

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Hey yall! So not much to post on today. I worked pretty much all day and as soon as I got off I went straight outside to do some more yard work. I came in and after having not eaten all day I caved out of hunger and got burger king:-/ I still stayed under my 1200 calorie limit fir the day, but eating all the calories at once versus spread throughout the day isnt really healthy either! So a little faltering, but its ok! Were only human and this is all new.(although its been ages since ive had cherry vanilla coke and it was heavenly!) Anyways afterwards I did a little tiny workout. Did some muscle failure pushups, some arm circles until I couldn't lift them anymore, 50 butt kicks, and 50 crunches. Nothing major but hey any activity is better than sitting on the couch! So yeah like I said not much for today. Please comment, follow, and share!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Busy day!

Well its really late but I at least wanted to get a short post in! I slept entirely too late today so that killed like half my day.  But I decided to jump on the scale just for the heck of it and guess what?!?! I lost 2 pounds! Small victories:-) best part? Getting to move 2 gems to the 'pounds lost' jar! I was muy excited.
The other part of my day was spent doing a little yard shopping/work. That was enough of a workout in itself lemme tell ya but I decided to do a little extra too. The workout is below as well as my yard progress! I am anything BUT an outdoor person, in fact I quite hate being outside, so for me to get dirty and accomplish anything out there is huge. Anyways yall have a good one! Share and follow please!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Work those arms!

Hey everybody! So short post today, but first off my legs are insanely sore from yesterday! Whats awesome is that I love the feeling! Today I decided to do some sort of arm workout. I worked all morning so the workout had to wait until the evening. It definitely took some self control not to come home and plop down on the couch like normal. I figured if I just knocked out the workout id have the rest of the night to do whatever I wanted. So I came home, ate a yummy pre-made salad from walmart and a granola bar, and then got to it. The workout might not seem like much but trust me, it was HARD. I have no arm strength whatsoever and im out of shape so it was not fun lol. I plan on doing it once more before bed so I can feel a little more accomplished today! But yeah, not much else for yall today! Enjoy the workout!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fruit or honey bbq flavor twist fritos?? Hmmm...such a tough choice!

And trust me it really was!! Walking down that aisle was a huge mistake. But I made a conscious effort not to grab that tempting bag of yumminess that I love so much. I think thats all it takes is just to THINK about what you buy before you throw it in your cart.  Instead I went to the fruit aisle and got a nice season blend for like 6 dollars. Point for megan!! So I came home and had lunch and when I wanted dessert I left the raisenets in the pantry and got my fruit:-)

Day one: off to a good start!!!!

Good morning all! So, I determined that the reason all previous attempts at losing weight may have failed is because I was doing the same things with my daily routine and not budgeting my time to account for these necessary changes. For instance, on days when I'm not opening at work, I just wake up whenever, let the dogs out, and sit down and watch tv until I do have to go to work. Ive just accepted and possibly embraced my laziness actually. I mean, come on, who doesn't love not having to do anything at all? But in reality, while sitting and doing nothing was cool, I still continued to complain about my weight. Am I the only one who sees the irony in that scenario? Clearly, that wasn't working so lets change it up! I'm not saying cut out tv and stay on your feet for every bleeping second, but start your day differently! Today, when I woke up and let the dogs out, I did one minor thing different and it kick started my entire morning. Instead of turning on the tv during breakfast, I cranked up some tunes on my phone! I listened to music while I ate and did the dishes. Instead of waiting for a show to finish to put up my dish, I got right up when I was done. After dishes, I still resisted the precious remote and kept the music running. I went ahead and pulled up a workout on Pinterest and got to work. The workout took me about 30 minutes, and I was exhausted lol. Here's what the workout for this morning was:
40 jumping jacks
15 squats
20 lunges
40 mountain climbers
5 burpees
50 bicycles
:20 superman
5 push ups
40 high knees
20 vertical leg crunches
:30 plank
40 mountain climbers

OMG RIGHT?? Yeah I was dying after lol. I definitely had to go at my own pace and take a water break in between a few, but hey we're not starting out as Olympians here so that's ok! After that, i set myself a designated time/ show length of tv/chill time. Which I'm actually using now to post this:-) so now, when this is over, the tv is off and I'll be getting ready for the day. Do you ever realize how you feel so much more accomplished on days when you just get a shower and get dressed versus staying in PJ's all day? Yeah, I notice a huge difference. Even if you have no errands just get ready! You're far less tempted to be lazy when you're dressed and ready to go. So yes, after I get ready, I'll head out and pay my water bill, hit the tanning bed, and idk, go walk around Walmart until time for work! Far more productive than munching on raisenets and watching reruns of America's next top model!

So, yes I think we're off to a good start! Need some help managing all the details? There's an app for that! If you have a Samsung galaxy phone s3 or higher, you should have S Health. It allows you to log your food intake, exercise, and weight in a super handy app:-) don't have a galaxy? The alternate that I actually like a little better due to the more extensive database is myfitnesspal. It's available on both android and iPhone app stores. Super easy to use and let's you keep track of how many calories you have left for the day without feeling like your obsessing over every calorie. Plus, as I mentioned, the database is HUGE. So any food item you need to log, chances are someone has logged it before and bam, there it is! Feel free to email me with any questions! 


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Most useful craft I've ever made!

So I made these forever ago when I tried to lose weight before. Its an awesome way of tracking how much you've lost versus how much you have to go. It might seem petty, but it gets you excited over losing a single pound...let alone a couple at a time. I am the worst at weighing myself, seeing a 1 pound difference, and getting really annoyed at the slow progress.  With these little gems, it becomes a highlight to get to run downstairs and move a gem and watch jar number 2 fill up! The best part?? The whole thing cost me maybe like 6 dollars! So anyways im super excited to use these again and empty jar number 1:-)

Welcome! Lets get right to the point....

Ok, so I, like so many others, have struggled with losing weight and sticking to a routine. I enjoy food and snacks and soda and candy and....ok sorry, I enjoy all that stuff a tad too much. Tad meaning A LOT! I made this blog because I needed an outlet for my insecurities, struggles, workouts,  recipes, and support from others. I feel like I have a thousand and one factors that should motivate me to lose weight and get healthy, yet no self discipline to get up off this oh so comfy couch! My hope is that with having a blog, I will feel almost required to do some sort of daily activity so I can post it and keep up with the journey here.

I had a little experience yesterday that I think finally hit enough of a nerve for me to get the ball rolling. After a little traffic confusion and an asshole of a driver, I ended up at a red light beside the asshole driver. A little arguing back and forth, rolling windows up and then back down, and some less than friendly words later, the light turns green, and he yells "yada yada yada, YOU FAT BITCH!" And drives off. I tried to roll it off and get back in the awesome mood I was in beforehand but after a few hours I was completely obsessing over what this prick said.

It's not that I really cared what this dude thought of me. I truly could care less about him. It was moreso the fact that this wasn't the first time I've had that obscenity thrown at me. Recently, that term has come out more often. And while the type of person who says that to someone clearly isn't someone worth my time and energy, the words are still very hurtful. Why is someones weight the go-to insult during an altercation? I guess hearing it yesterday was the last straw.

You see, I used to be skinny. I used to be tiny, tan, healthy, and happy. A few changes in my life led to a pretty big weight gain, and ever since Ive been extremely unhappy with my body. This insecurity and lack of confidence affects so many aspects of my life. I want to be back in a body where when I encounter another asshole who wants to throw insults, my weight isn't a target because there's nothing to insult! I want to be back in a body where I don't get out of breath playing with my dogs in the yard, or chasing my husband around the house with a spray bottle of ice water. I want to be back in a body where I don't cancel plans with friends because I've changed outfits 13 times because I don't feel pretty in anything because of my weight. I want to be in a body where my husband can pick me up and swirl me around like he used to be able to. I want to be healthy and I want to adopt the right habits now, so when we have kids, I will be a strong fit woman whom my kids can emulate.

This is me now. As of this morning, my current weight is 195.4 pounds, and today is the last day I ever plan on seeing that number. My overall target weight is 130 pounds. I appreciate you taking the time to read this little prologue, and I truly appreciate anyone who wishes to follow this blog and support me in this. It's time to lose weight, get fit, and love life again:-)